
This is [[MediaWiki:Tagline]]. Set to <code>display:none</code> by chameleon skin.
Version vom 22. Oktober 2014, 21:04 Uhr von mw>Oetterer
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This starter pack has a wide variety of new ui text. Especially the new german texts use "Sie" instead of "Du" as a new "feature". Here are the files, you probalby wish to customize before you take this wiki productive:

Access Control

At the moment this wiki is set to readonly for anonymous user and editable by confirmed users. There are also some example roles defined. If you want to change that, please check


and change for instance these lines accordingly:

  $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = true;

  $wgGroupPermissions['user']['read'] = true;
  $wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = true;

MediaWiki configuration settings

You can find a list of all configuration settings here: If you want to add them, please put them in ./_config/LocalSettings.php at the very end in the section

#                                                                                                    #
#                                    C O S T U M I Z A T I O N                                       #
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Boilerplates for new pages

Only if you added the Boilerplate package on import contain these pages the text, that will be preloaded when creating new pages in the corresponding namespace:

Preloading ignores texts between <includeonly>...</includeonly>.

If you want to have preloading text for an additional namespace, you have to do this:

  1. Edit ./_config/LocalSettings_extensions.php, search for the section #Preloader and add the following line to the list of preloader boilerplates:
    $wgPreloaderSource[ <NAMESPACE_CONSTANT> ]         = 'Template:Boilerplate <namespace name>';
    Where <NAMESPACE_CONSTANT> is the mediawiki constant depicting the namespace you want the boilerplate for. If the target namespace isn't one you created on your own, please refer to for a complete list of predefined namespaces.
  2. Create a page called Template:Boilerplate <namespace name> in your wiki and fill it with the preloader text.
    Please note, that text in <includeonly>...</includeonly> tags will ignored when preloading, so use it to categorize and document your boilerplates. The default category for boilerplates is Category:Preload text templates.

System messages

Default language

Depending on what language package you imported for default language these are either german or english

  • MediaWiki:Badaccess-groups, where you can disable the display of necessary groups for a certain action
  • MediaWiki:Cascadeprotected, a help page for (cacascade)-protected pages. Should display links for help pages and a working target for the "Submit an edit request"-button. See also the template {{Protected page text}} for more customization on this message.
  • MediaWiki:Editpage-head-copy-warn, a message displayed above the textarea when editing an existing page. Link here to help pages and helper templates
  • MediaWiki:Newarticletext, the note displayed above the textarea when creating a new article. Here you could add links to existing forms as alternative to manual creation (of course, only when using forms)
  • MediaWiki:Noarticletext, the text displayed when surfing to a non existant page. Add some links to your lokal help pages. When using semantic forms, this is also a good place to reference existing forms.
  • MediaWiki:Noarticletext-nopermission, same as before. Is displayed at a non existing page where the user doesn't have the rights to create the page
  • MediaWiki:Nocreatetext is displayed for anonymous user, if you disallowed creating new aricles for them. Please link to help pages for rights policies
  • MediaWiki:Protectedpagetext, a help page for protected pages. Should display links for help pages and a working target for the "Submit an edit request"-button. See also the template {{Protected page text}} for more customization on this message.
  • MediaWiki:Semiprotectedpagewarning
  • MediaWiki:Tagline is the line displayed right below the page title. Please costumize but do not leave empty. This would both up some vector stylings.
  • MediaWiki:Uploadtext is displayed every time some is uploading a file. It is a rather long text concerning naming conventions and adding file descriptions. Just fit them to your policies.


Please refer to Section "Default language" for the description. When you use english as your wikis default language, you can ignore these pages.


Please refer to Section "Default language" for the description. When you use german as your wikis default language, you can ignore these pages.

Templates (all languages)

The "Protected page text"-templates display text for protexted pages. They contain suggestions for the user, how to proceed. You should link your help pages and maybe add some indivudual guidelines.

Some predefined Editsummaries

With the Gadget defaultsummaries you can give users an assortment of default edit summaries, increasing the chances they add summaries. You can edit the list here: MediaWiki:Gadget-defaultsummaries.js.

Extending SMW