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< Modul:Foundationclass
Version vom 16. Februar 2016, 19:17 Uhr von imported>Oetterer
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This module provides global configuration data for Module:Foundationclass.


local cfg = mw.loadData( 'Module:Foundationclass/globalconfig' )

--[==[ if you start off, please fill the entries and create the appropriate categories
		--  formCategory (e.g. 'Project forms')
		--	gardeningSuperCategory (e.g. 'Erroneous objects') (this is a global category. you can define an individual one for each class)
        --  moduleCategory (e.g. 'Project modules')
		--  projectSuperCategory (e.g. 'Project category')
		--	propertyCategory, if you use datastore smw (e.g. 'Project properties')
		--  templateCategory (e.g. 'Project templates')
	-- also, remember to choose your prefered storage method. atm supported are: 'cargo', 'smw',  or 'both'
	-- when using datastore 'smw' uncomment all smwSpecialProperties that are active in your installation (and create the properties for smwClassProperty and uidFieldName)
	-- HINT: When you use the classgenerator form and its autocreation feature, it creates all your categories defined here as well. to modify their content, please refer to [[Module:Classgenerator/class]]'s documentation page
local superglobal = {
	cargoSpecialFields = {},	-- filled further down below
	cargoTypesElegibleForSize = {'text', 'string', 'wikitext', 'url'},
	cargoTypesElegibleForValue = {'text', 'integer', 'string', 'url'},
	classCategory = 'Lua class modules',	-- this is the category, all classes based on this engine are put automatically
	dataStore = 'cargo',	-- supported types are 'cargo', 'smw', and 'both'
	debugLevel = false, -- set this to the level you wish to display at render. false if disabled. this is a global setting, causing all children to debug. you can set this individually at any class
	formCategory = 'Project forms',	-- the category of the form pages
	formTableClass = 'formtable',
	gardeningSuperCategory = 'Project entities with erroneous input',
	moduleCategory = 'Project modules',
	moduleUseRatingTemplate = true,
	projectSuperCategory = 'My Project',	-- The category, all the categories are placed in.'
	propertyCategory = 'Project properties',	-- category for all the properties pages - if data store smw is used
	restrictionRole = 'sysop',	-- if you wish to set fields to a default restriction role, name it here
	selectedCheckboxSubmitValue = 'Ja',	-- (const) this is the value, a semantic forms checkbox submits when selected. used for plausibilityTest only
	smwClassProperty = 'is_member_of_class',	-- the name of the property, members of the class will be identified by; you have to create the property page, though
	smwPropertyTypesAvailable = { 'Annotation URI', 'Boolean', 'Code', 'Date', 'Email', 'Geographic coordinate', 'Number', 'Page', 'Quantity', 'Record', 'Telephone number', 'Temperature', 'Text', 'URL' },
		-- if you have more types of properties (due to an extension), add them here). in fact, Foundationclass does use this, but classgenerator/parameter makes a reference
	smwSpecialProperties = {},	-- filled further down below
	templateCategory = 'Project templates',	-- the category for the templates
	templateUseDocumentationSubsystem = true,
	ucfirst = true, -- states, that your mw installation makes the first letter in any page name an uppercase letter
	uidFieldName = 'is_identified_by_classengine_through',	-- the name of the property/table fields, the individual object will be identified by (in cargo and smw respectively);
						-- if you use smw, you have to create the property page manually
						-- WARNING: If you reset this after beginning operation, you have to rebuild all cargo data tables, and/or create the new property and refresh all properties

superglobal.cargoSpecialFields = {
	_ID = 'Integer, <small>holds a unique ID for this row</small>',
	_pageName = 'Text, <small>holds the name of the page from which this row of values was stored</small>',
	_pageTitle = 'Text, <small>similar to _pageName, but leaves out the namespace, if there is one</small>',
	_pageNamespace = 'Integer, <small>holds the numerical ID of the namespace of the page from which this row of values was stored</small>',
	_pageID = 'Integer, <small>holds the internal MediaWiki ID for that page</small>',

superglobal.smwSpecialProperties = {
	-- by default, only _MDAT is active. see$smwgPageSpecialProperties for documentation
	-- please uncomment all special properties that apply to your installation
	Creation_date = 'Date, <small>Erstelldatum der Seite.</small> (Alias _CDAT)',
	--Is_a_new_page = 'Boolean, <small>Ist die Seite neu? Gibt es nur eine einzige Revision?</small> (Alias _NEWP)',
	Last_editor_is = 'Page, <small>Benutzername des letzten Bearbeiters.</small> (Alias _LEDT)',
	--Media_type = 'Text, <small>Speichert den Medientyp einer hochgeladenen Datei.</small> (Alias _MEDIA)',
	--MIME_type = 'Text, <small>Speichert den MIME Typ einer hochgeladenen Datei.</small> (Alias _MIME)',
	Modification_date = 'Date, <small>Datum der letzten Bearbeitung der Seite.</small> (Alias _MDAT)',

	-- from Extension: Extra Special Properties
	Seitenersteller = 'Page, <small>Erstellerbenutzer</small>',
	Seitenbearbeiter = 'List of Pages, <small>Liste der Benutzer, die an der Seite mitgewirkt haben.</small>',
	--EXIFDATA = 'Text, <small>Exif Daten einer Datei (Nur im Namensraum "Datei" gesetzt)</small>',
	--PAGEID = 'Number, <small>ID der Seite</small>',
	Bearbeitungskennung = 'Number, <small>ID der aktuellen Revision</small>',
	--NREV = 'Number, <small>Geschätzte Anzahl der Revisionen.</small>',
	--NTREV = 'Number, <small>Geschätzte Anzahl der Revisionen der Diskussionsseite.</small>',
	--SHORTURL = 'Text, <small>KurzURL der Seite (Nur bei Verwendung der Extension:ShortUrl verfügbar)</small>',
	Unterseite = 'List of Pages, <small>Liste der Unterseiten</small>',
	--USERREG = 'Date, <small>Datum der Registrierung eines Benutzers (Nur im Namensraum "Benutzer" gesetzt)</small>',
	--VIEWS = 'Number, <small>Geschätzte Anzahl der Seitenaufrufe (Achtung: Aufgrund von Caching kann die tatsächliche Zahl stark abweichen).</small>',
	--CUSER = 'Page, <small>Erstellerbenutzer</small>',
	--EUSER = 'List of Pages, <small>Liste der Benutzer, die an der Seite mitgewirkt haben.</small>',
	--EXIFDATA = 'Text, <small>Exif Daten einer Datei (Nur im Namensraum "Datei" gesetzt)</small>',
	--PAGEID = 'Number, <small>ID der Seite</small>',
	--REVID = 'Number, <small>ID der aktuellen Revision</small>',
	--NREV = 'Number, <small>Geschätzte Anzahl der Revisionen.</small>',
	--NTREV = 'Number, <small>Geschätzte Anzahl der Revisionen der Diskussionsseite.</small>',
	--SHORTURL = 'Text, <small>KurzURL der Seite (Nur bei Verwendung der Extension:ShortUrl verfügbar)</small>',
	--SUBP = 'List of Pages, <small>Liste der Unterseiten</small>',
	--USERREG = 'Date, <small>Datum der Registrierung eines Benutzers (Nur im Namensraum "Benutzer" gesetzt)</small>',
	--VIEWS = 'Number, <small>Geschätzte Anzahl der Seitenaufrufe (Achtung: Aufgrund von Caching kann die tatsächliche Zahl stark abweichen).</small>',

return superglobal