
This is [[MediaWiki:Tagline]]. Set to <code>display:none</code> by chameleon skin.
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Places an infobox (via {{Mbox}}) to inform the user, that the article/section contains (fatal) errors and sould not be used. Also automatically adds Category:Erroneous, to better find the articles in dire need of correction.

Optional parameters

if set to 1, the box refers to a section only and not to the whole article.
if set to no, article will not be placed in category Category:Erroneous

See also

Here is an overview of the available Message Box Templates and their uses:



}}{{#var:prefix|}}{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Deprecated template}}{{#var:delimiter|}}outdated/deprecated templates and pages, that use these templates. (used by template programmers)
{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Deprecated}}{{#var:delimiter|}}articles that are outdated and are not maintained anymore.
{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Draft}}{{#var:delimiter|}}articles/sections currectly in development or in revision
{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Faulty}}{{#var:delimiter|}}articles/sections that are erroneous, faulty, or otherwise dangerous.
{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Stub}}{{#var:delimiter|}}articles that needs expanding.
{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Template warning}}{{#var:delimiter|}}the error feedback from templates. (used by template programmers)
{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Untested}}{{#var:delimiter|}}articles that lack validation and positive user feedback.
{{#var:lineprefix|}}{{Warning}}{{#var:delimiter|}}Warning text.