Projekt:First steps

This is [[MediaWiki:Tagline]]. Set to <code>display:none</code> by chameleon skin.
Wechseln zu:Navigation, Suche

There are the first steps you should take after fully installing this mediawiki platform. If you are not shure if you are finished installing, please see the installation manual for more information.

Customize sidebar

This is your main navigation bar (in Wikipedia and other Vector based MediaWiki platforms it is lokated on the left hand side). You can edit the navigation here.

Protect certain pages

You should protect all Templates and Modules in the following categories (it is however advisable to use a bot for that job), if you haven't done this already:

also the Hauptseite.

You can do this manually (duh), with a bot, or you can use a helper script.

Semantic Forms

When you want to start with semantics we recommend to go all the way. Use Semantic Forms for it gives you and your editors a more comprehensive view of the new capabilites not to say a very neat interface creating and editing articles with form templates. Here is a Quick start guide and from there on you can find more useful help.

Managing classes

If you want to add one more abstraction layer and keep your classes (form and templates) even more flexible, get aquainted to Page Schemas. It lets you manage your classes in abstract XML-files and provides and easy and fast way to maintain and alter them.

The alternative to that (at least if you have shell access) is Mobo: